Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Remorse, Regret and Recovery

Natasha is still slowly but surely feeling better.  Her anxiety level is pretty high but the depression is lifting.  She's noticed that her sleep patterns are getting back to normal and she's gone to school the last two days as well as every day last week except Tuesday.  We went on our three day vacation over the weekend despite my fears that she should be staying in a hospital room instead of a motel room.  We powered through it though and although there were several times we were sure we were going to be asked to leave the motel or have the cops called on us as people stared at her running away crying in the parking lot, we managed to have a lot of fun.  Thankfully my parents were vacationing with us and they are a wonderful support team for me and my family. 

Now that she's thinking more clearly, her sorrow at the destruction in her room is sad to see.  During one of the rage episodes she was going through, she took her FAVORITE stuffed animal of all time, a bulldog named Bacon, and slashed him to pieces with scissors.  She cut off his foot, ears and tail and sliced the rest of him up as if he was indeed... bacon.  The other night she brought him to me in tears, begging me to help her fix him.   It shocked me because she's so attached to her blanket and this bulldog, I'd have never guessed in a million years that she would do anything to damage it.  It was a little scary and really heartbreaking to see her cradling her mangled toy, pleading for me to sew his wounds. 

I told her on Monday when she refused to go to school, that I would sew him up if she went on Tuesday.  So.. now to prep this pup for his plastic surgery.  Cotton surgery, really.

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