Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where's My Personal Assistant?!?!?

I am so relieved that Natasha is at school today.  She wasn't happy about it, but she's there.  Over the past two months, she's been in such a bad place, it's taken over every aspect of our lives.  Now as I'm having more and more days that aren't completely filled with trying to stabilize her, I'm realizing how behind I've gotten.  And how exhausted I am.  As of tomorrow evening, Jason will have worked 110 hours in the past two weeks and he leaves for Alaska again next week.  There he'll be working his usual Alaskan 70 hours a week until August.  Poor guy!  I'm so thankful to have a workhorse for a husband.  We're going to need all the extra hours he's getting to pay for Natasha's Dr. visits! I'm really going to miss him. As usual, with Nat calmed down, we've calmed down too.  In fact that seems to be the only time we really argue, come to think of it.  Her storms effect us all in such a huge way. My house is a mess, my laundry is overwhelming, the grass needs to be mowed, the cars need to be washed, the girls room are both crying for a complete spring cleaning, the dogs haven't been walked in a week, I have paperwork that needs to be taken care of a.s.a.p., the fridge is full of leftovers... I could go on forever it seems.  But, it's so nice to be at the point where I can even notice this stuff.  Time to play catch up on life.  And in the meantime, I've decided to take Natasha to see the local specialist as well as continue trying to get her in to the NIMH.  My amazingly supportive, wonderful mother is coming over on the 2nd to pick up Katie and take her for a spring break, break.  Natasha and I have plans to do a makeover in her bedroom, patching holes in the walls and repainting and then we'll go on the 9th to see Dr. Hlastala for the first of three appointments.  Later that day we'll be visiting Dr.J and hopefully at that time he'll start her on the Lamotrigine.  I wish I could take the week off from work so I could get completely caught up on everything before Jason leaves but I'd probably just end up sleeping all week anyway.

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