Monday, March 26, 2012

Not So Secrets of NIMH - Part 2

I had my first "interview" this morning with a research assistant from the NIMH.  She explained the types of programs they are doing right now and gave me an outline of how they work.  There are two different studies going one, one for pediatric bipolar disorder that clearly fits into the current DSM's parameters and one for SMD.  She said they have an inpatient or outpatient study available and explained how each would work.  The inpatient study is pretty extensive and the child may be there for several months.  They wean them off of whatever medication they're on and start fresh.  Then they participate in a clinical trial of medications that lasts 8 weeks. During that time they attend school, have their own nurse in the four bed facility and meet with the psych. every morning.  The NIMH flies out one parent every other week for a one day visit and provides food, travel and lodging. Eventually, after the clinical trial is concluded, they are stabilized and returned home. 

For the outpatient study they work with the home psych to advise on diagnosis and medication after they do extensive tests there in Maryland. Then the child returns every year for more tests and they do phone interviews every six months.  They follow the child until age 25.  I'm excited because she said they are more than happy to provide 2nd opinions and your child does not have to have the diagnosis before they qualify.  So... this may be a good opportunity for Natasha.  A clinician is going to call me back and set up the second phone interview, which will be about 1.5 hours.  Then they will present the case at the next meeting of Dr.s there and decide whether or not to accept Natasha into the facility.

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